ACSUS 2019 Biennial Conference Call for Proposals
Canada: Forces of Inclusion and Exclusion
November 13-16, 2019
Hotel Omni Mont-Royal, Montreal, Quebec
The Association for Canadian Studies in the United States (ACSUS) will host its 25th biennial conference, November 13-16, 2019, in Montreal, Canada. The conference is open to all proposalswith a significant Canadian focus. We welcome papers and panel proposals from graduate students, professors, independent scholars, and practitioners on any aspect of the Canadian experience, including comparative inquiries.
ACSUS encourages panels and individual papers addressing relevant subjects that fall within any of the following sections: Indigenous Studies The North and Arctic Studies North American Integration and Border Issues Business, Trade and Economics in North America Teaching Canada and Education in the Hemisphere Foreign Policy and Defense International Relations Politics and Public Policy Law and the Constitution Communication and Media Studies Gender, Identities and Diversity Energy and the Environment History Literature, Film, Music and the Arts in English Literature, Film, Music and the Arts in French Quebec Studies and the French Presence in North America Cultural Studies Philosophy. The names and emails of section organizers can be found under the "Program Committee" tab, or on the complete 'call for proposals' that is attached below.
Disciplinary, multidisciplinary, and interdisciplinary scholarly inquiries dedicated to examining the conference theme of inclusion/exclusion in Canada and Canadian affairs are especially encouraged. In what ways can Canada be regarded as an inclusive society by the international community? What policies has Canada established and pursued over the foster and expand inclusivity? Have there been notable variations over time, across issues and governments, and in Canada’s approach toward inclusivity? And how might these be explained? Finally, how is Canada currently positioning itself to embrace inclusivity given the variety of pressing global concerns that exist in the international community?
The conference venue is the Hotel Omni Mont-Royal, located in downtown Montreal on bustling Sherbrooke Street West across from McGill University. Montreal stands as one of North America’s premier metropolitan centers. Vibrant and engaging, the city offers a broad range of unrivaled cultural and social experiences. The hotel, features sophisticated and inviting guestrooms (no more than 12 rooms per floor), and dominates the city’s Golden Square Mile’s historical district. Accommodations are provided at the special ACSUS conference rate of $179 CAD per night (single or double occupancy). For a detailed overview of this property, please see
The registration fee for ACSUS members is as follows: (1) For individuals who stay at the Hotel Omni Mont-Royal, the conference registration fee is $225 USD before June 15, 2019 and $275 USD after June 15. To receive this discounted members’ registration rate, individuals must first make a hotel reservation with the Hotel Omni Mont-Royal. At the time of on-line registration for the conference, you will need to enter your assigned hotel confirmation number to secure the reduced registration rate. (2) For individuals from outside of metropolitan Montreal who opt to stay at a non-conference hotel, registration fees are $325 USD before June 15, and $375 USD after June 15. (3) For individuals from the greater metropolitan Montreal region, registration fees are $225 USD before June 15, 2019 and $275 USD after June 15. The conference registration fee for non-members is $325 USD, and that non-member fee will include a two-year ACSUS membership. Registration for students is sharply discounted at a rate of $75 USD. A one-day registration fee is available at $125 USD.
All presenters must register for the conference by September 15, 2019; individuals not registered by this date will not be listed in the printed and on-line conference program. Conference registration refunds will be honored until October 1, 2019.
Scholars interested in submitting a proposal for the conference should forward an abstract of not more than 300 words (including a working title), along with a current brief vitae (2 pages maximum), to the appropriate section chair(s) listed below no later than April 15, 2019 (NOTE: DEADLINE FOR SUBMISSIONS EXTENDED TO MAY 15th). Paper presenters must be current ACSUS members in good standing, and submissions from graduate students and exceptional undergraduates are warmly welcomed. Confirmations regarding participation at the conference will be sent out to participants by May 15, 2019 (REVISED TO JUNE 1st). If you have inquiries as to the most appropriate placement, kindly send your questions to the ACSUS conference program chair, Dr. Christopher Kirkey (