International Council for Canadian Studies

ICCS grants are meant to facilitate the renewal of the community of Canadianists by supporting the work of young scholars, enabling successful candidates to spend 4-6 weeks at a Canadian university or research site other than their own doing research related to their thesis or dissertation in the field of Canadian Studies.

The International Council for Canadian Studies is a federation of 21 national and multi-national Canadian Studies associations and 6 associate members in 39 countries. The ICCS network links over 7,000 academics and researchers. These Canadianists publish hundreds of scholarly articles and books on Canadian topics; organize colloquia, seminars and conferences on Canada; and through their teaching and seminars reach over 150,000 students.

M.A. and PhD students are eligible to apply when they are at the thesis/dissertation-writing stage for a grant to cover 4-6 weeks of study at a Canadian institution. Applications must be submitted to no later than November 1, 2025. For more information, please go to the ICCS website.


2023 Recipient - Claire Fouchereaux

Claire Fouchereaux, a PhD Candidate in French/Francophone Studies at Indiana University, received the 2023 ICCS Graduate Student Award

