
The McLuhan Centre for Culture and Technology at the Univeristy of Toronto is organizing an international conference on "The Toronto School: Then/Now/Next" to be held in…
The Mid-Atlantic-New England Council for Canadian Studies (MANECCS) is currently accepting papers from all academic disciplines for the 35th Anniversary Conference to be held…
Stephen Clarkson , longtime supporter of Canadian studies and of ACSUS, died unexpectedly in late February, 2016.  Stephen could always be relied upon to offer passionate,…
Click below for a brochure describing the ACQS Conference to be held in Portland, Maine in November 2016.  The deadline for submission of abstracts is APRIL 15, 2016.  
Dear ACSUS Colleagues, I work with colleagues at the University of Holguin, Cuba, on oranizing a biannual symposium on Canadian Studies held in Cuba jointly with a conference…
The McGill Institute for the Study of Canada (MISC) is accepting applications for the Eakin Visiting Fellowship in Canadian Studies for the Winter 2017 term.
It is my sad duty to inform you that our Canadian Studies community in the United States - and elsewhere - has lost another valued friend and colleague. On November 28th,…
Applicants are invited for a temporary 10 month appointment as UCD Craig Dobbin Professor of Canadian Stduies in Dublin, Ireland.  Applications are due before Tuesday,…